February in Review


I haven’t done a monthly review since the very first one I did back in September 2008. I quite like the idea, though, so I’m going to resurrect it and try and keep it going in the future.

February has been the busiest month yet. There were 6,045 page views, up from 5,978 in January. Its good to see more and more people coming to read my writing. I also passed the 100 post landmark this month and it was good to read everyone’s responses and get to know a bit more about my readers.

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Most of my visitors find there way here from my Rifter guide thread on the Eve Online forums. The other big contributors to my readership are the fantastic evebloggers.com, the EVElopedia Rifter article, and the various members of the Eve Blog Pack. Thanks to everyone whose thrown a link in my direction this month.

People who come to my blog from search engines seem to split pretty evenly between those searching for me by name and those searching for Rifter PvP tips. I also seem to get a surprising number of hits because of plugging the fantastic Frigank videos.

The most popular posts this month are:

The Rifter Guide: Solo Pvp
Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire
Taking on Interceptors
Caught on Camera
Why I Fly Rifters

Its no surprise that the most popular post is the Rifter guide. 1,839 people read it compared to just 223 on the next most popular article.

So what’s Wensley been up to this month? Not a huge amount, really. I’ve been flying lots of Rifters and having lots of fun in them. The fact that I can now record my fights on video means that I’m working on putting together my own PvP video. The basics are there now and all I need is lots of good fights.

2 Responses to “February in Review”

  1. Wensley, you should probably add something like AdSense to your blog to get a monetary reward for your efforts.

  2. 2 Bill

    The traffic is well deserved as your posts are always well written and very helpful. I always learn something when I read your blog.

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