A New Name And A New Home


One of the reasons that I haven’t posted for a little while is that there have been some behind the scene changes going on. After plenty of fiddling around trying to get things just right it is time to announce a major change to this blog. Henceforth “Wensley: The Pirate Diaries” will be known as …

Rifter Drifter

… and will live in its new home at http://www.rifterdrifter.com/. Please update your bookmarks and links to reflect this change. The new RSS feed is http://www.rifterdrifter.com/feed/.

All of the content from this site has already been transferred over. Hopefully the fact that I now have my own domain will allow me to do more than just the standard features that wordpress.com allowed.

See you on the other side.

Edit: How odd. We seem to be having some teething problems. I’ll try and work out what’s causing them.

7 Responses to “A New Name And A New Home”

  1. 1 Crewcifer

    The link doesn’t seem to work. 😦

    Looks like the RSS feed does though!

  2. How odd, it works fine for me.

  3. 4 manasi

    broken links too ..np though I’m sure you’ll fix it like i had to when I switched!

  4. 5 1200 baud



  5. Can’t get to it!

  6. It should be fixed now.

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